What Happens to Girls That Get Sex Trafficked

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Sex trafficking is a dark and disturbing reality that affects millions of girls worldwide. It's an issue that has been gaining more attention in recent years, shedding light on its devastating impact on young women's lives. But have you ever wondered what happens to girls caught up in this horrendous industry? In this blog post, we'll explore the harrowing consequences of sex trafficking for these vulnerable victims and discuss ways we can all take action to help end this modern-day slavery. So buckle up, and get ready to learn critical insights into one of society's most pressing issues affecting young girls today!

What do people suffer from after being sex trafficked?

There is no one answer to this question, as the consequences of being sex trafficked can vary drastically from person to person. However, some of the more common documented outcomes include physical and sexual abuse from their trafficker or other perpetrators, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, addiction, and HIV/AIDS. Additionally, many sex trafficking victims also experience social isolation and a lack of trust in relationships due to their experiences.

What are the 3 common signs of sex trafficking?

Three common signs of sex trafficking are a lack of identification, bruises or other injuries, and a fear of being hurt again. Victims may also be forced to perform sexual acts against their will or have drugs or alcohol administered to make them more compliant.

The Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA) defines sex trafficking as the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for sexual exploitation. There are three main signs that someone could be a victim of sex trafficking: being held against their will, being subject to extreme physical or psychological force, and being forced to perform sexual acts. Additional indicators may include:

  • Being unable to leave.
  • Reduced food and sleep.
  • Inconsistent access to medical care.
  • Displaying signs of psychological trauma.

How to Escape from Sex Trafficking

If you are a victim of sex trafficking, there are a few things you should know:

  1. You are not alone. Many people have been through the same thing and can help guide you through your recovery.
  2. It is important to remember that what has happened to you is not your fault. 
  3. Do not feel ashamed or embarrassed about what has happened to you.
  4. Remember that help is available to you, and you can get through this difficult time.
  5. Never let anyone make you feel like this experience is your fault or something that will always be with you.
  6. Never give up on yourself or your dreams. 


It is hard to overestimate the devastating effects that human trafficking can have on both victims and those who victimize them. Victims of trafficking typically endure unimaginable violence, including sexual abuse, physical discipline, and psychological torture. The traffickers who exploit these women and girls often collude with corrupt officials or powerful criminals to transport them across borders and keep them hidden from law enforcement. Although this issue is still very much alive, there has been a great deal of progress made over the past few years in combating human trafficking. Awareness is increasing. More people are coming forward as whistleblowers, prosecutions are increasing, and rescue operations are getting better at finding victims quickly and providing support after they've been freed. All signs point to an ever-growing struggle against this heinous crime.

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