Inspire: The History of Hula
- Due No due date
- Points 100
- Questions 7
- Time Limit None
In what ways does dance interact with the cultural construction of gender? To answer this question, this module focuses on the cultural context of hula. Specifically, we will examine the following questions:
1. In what ways did hula contribute to gender construction in traditional Hawaiian culture?
2. How did contact with the west, and in particular, with western tourism, impact the relationship between hula and gender?
3. How did the cultural significance of hula change with western tourism?
Think about these questions as you "research" the readings and videos below. What other questions does your study of hula raise?
In order to fully understand the relationship between hula and gender construction in Hawaiian culture, both now and in the past, you need some to understand the history of hula. Read the selections below, watch the assigned videos and then take the quiz that follows. You must pass the quiz that follows with a score of 100% before you may proceed in the module.
Required Reading
1. Read. Bigham, Hiram. Missionaries first intercourse with the Natives. 1820. Download Missionaries first intercourse with the Natives. 1820. This reading describing hula in 1820 was written by Hiram Bingham, a 19th century Missionary to Hawai'i. Read these excerpts: the first paragraph of Chapter IV (page 6); p. 123 to the top of p.125.
As you read, take note on how Bingham describes the Hawaiian people, and on how he describes hula. What specific descriptions does he give? What are the implications and connotations of these words and descriptions?
2. View. Professor's Lecture: Hula History, Parts 1.1- 1.4 [Disabled on this Demo site] (Links to an external site.)
Recommended Reading
Silva, Noenoe K. "He Kanawai E Ho'opau I Na Hula Kuolo Hawaii: "The Political Economy of Banning the Hula Download The Political Economy of Banning the Hula " The Hawaiian Journal of History, v. 34, 2000: pp. 29-48. This reading is for those who are particularly interested in this topic. It gives elaborates on some of the ideas presented in the Professor's lectures.