Four Excellent Reasons to Become a Correctional Officer

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People often assume correctional officers guard prisoners in a jail or prison, at a courthouse, when they are being transported from one location to another, and in situations such as those. However, individuals who take on this role assume many other responsibilities. For example, if a crime occurs in a prison, the correctional officers handle the investigation. They supervise inmates on work duty, complete reports, counsel inmates informally, and more. In addition, they work to reduce recidivism rates and keep the community safe. What benefits might a person see if they choose to take a job in this field? 

Job Stability

When researching the Correctional Officer Requirements, a person may ask why they should pursue a job in this field, as the requirements may seem overwhelming. Many people choose to become correctional officers for job stability. People have been committing crimes since the first human walked the earth, and that doesn't appear to be changing soon. The world will always need correctional offers to help keep the peace. While robots can replace humans in many jobs, correctional officers will continue to be needed in some capacity for the foreseeable future. As of 2020, over 437,000 individuals worked in this position. 

Make a Difference

People often pursue a career in criminal justice to help others. The discipline and stability they provide benefit those they serve. A person might assume a correctional officer punishes inmates, but they actually take on the roles of educator and mentor. They believe rehabilitation works and criminals can become productive members of society. When they do, the entire community benefits. The officers work to match each offender with the appropriate programs to help achieve this goal. 

Job Opportunities

Men and women who wish to serve as correctional officers find they don't need an advanced degree to do so. In fact, many places hire individuals who have a high school diploma or the equivalent. They provide training on the job to ensure each officer understands their duties and what is expected of them. Other places send applicants through a training academy, so a person must learn the requirements for the position they wish to hold. However, a person may find they wish to increase their job opportunities by pursuing a degree in criminal justice or a related field. 

A Challenging Environment

Some people pursue a career as correctional officers because they love to face new challenges each day. No two days are identical, so they don't become bored. They must stay alert and aware when working with incarcerated individuals. However, correctional officers experience high levels of stress, and each officer must ensure they know how to manage this stress appropriately. 

If you love to help people and make the world a better place, consider a career as a correctional officer. These individuals serve a vital role in the world today and put their lives on the line when doing so. Although they don't receive the same respect first responders do, they deserve it. Without these men and women, the criminal justice system couldn't function. Learn more today to see if this career is right for you. Many people discover it is their calling in life. 

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